Nature's Commercial Tenants

As a business, how do you justify the space you rent? Your widget alone is simply not good enough anymore in the eyes of countless educated consumers. What else are you doing? What makes you stand apart from your competitors and how are you practicing environmental good?
We share this planet with wildlife and we both rent the space from nature. Animals do a much better job at caring for their spaces. Humans, comparatively, are horrible tenants. Much of this is ignorance and complacency and can be changed- as long as we are willing to do better.
Opportunities to connect with and appreciate wildlife and nature present themselves daily. How are you noticing or responding? Is an entirely man-made world the goal? Would we not miss the wildlife element? For goodness sake, what would be the subject matter for all those baby books if giraffes and dolphins were gone?
Preparing for Hurricane Matthew in Florida reaffirmed my perspective. Days before the storm hit, our family dog was lethargic, skiddish and withdrawn. Before any wind or rain friends were posting pictures of snakes crawling to the top of signs and buildings for higher ground. On our way out of town, still before any storming, we passed multiple herds of cattle- all laying down.
The animals were totally in tune with the storm. Are we in tune?
Imagine if each business was expected to "adopt" one wildlife species and contributed to its well-being as part of their philanthropic portfolio. Like a badge of honor or a mascot, each business would achieve a new level of respect by being known for their associated animal and the support they are providing. Better yet, what if this was the same species their development may have affected and/or displaced? Development will not stop- development is a version of fit survival. But we have a debt to nature that we all need to respect. Let's redefine our necessity for growth as being synonymous with indebtedness to nature.
Wendy Barnes Design is a catalyst connecting conservation causes to everyday experiences through bespoke wildlife interiors resulting in awareness and action. Join the Environmental Good newsletter to learn about the First Fifty Causes Campaign and more at
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