How Your Eighty Cents Saves A Species

Giving Tuesday has quickly become one of my favorite days of the year. In prior years, my 10% donation was given at year end but the majority of partners responded 'yes' to the idea of giving annually on Giving Tuesday instead. After tallying donations and distributing to partners, I thought you'd like to know how you fit in.
When I first started my business in 2014, I knew donating back to wildlife causes was the foundation of my mission. Having a mission at all was the foundation of my mission! As many eager entrepreneurs know, having the vision is the first and most important step, however, almost always patience and believing in the unseen need to be part of the equation. Announcing I would be donating 10% was the exciting part, but the reality was 10% in the early days felt downright embarrassing. 'Thank you for your amazing work- here is your $5'
This is where you fit in. In 2020, my number one selling product was the mask. At $8.00 each, every customer donated $0.80 to the mission (aka two dozen wildlife partners with pattern collections.) You may feel the same as I did early on- OK great - $0.80 - HOW is this going to help?
The interesting part for me is that over the years when I donate my modest 10% compared to the many generous donors my partners have, every time they write back to me that each donation counts and matters- no matter how small. They also do so in a very sincere and serious way- I feel this message coming back to me and it has sunk in. I would like to share this understanding with you.
If you look at this year for Wendy Barnes Design, your $0.80 for each mask combined with the many, many masks I have sewed since April (and am still sewing) starts to really add up. Each individual amount matters. This is when together, we make a difference and when we can actually help.
Going the next step further, our donations together with other artist, business partner and individual donations all given at once on a day like Giving Tuesday multiply. This is why my partners are thankful for our donations and every donation. Not to mention several partners receive matching and in some cases like International Rhino Foundation this year, TRIPLE donations. Can you see how your $0.80 is magic? Excel spreadsheet lovers, you know it!
The power of each donation drives many organizations' missions and they are able to continue their incredible work and actually save and protect species with our help.
I would like to thank everyone who has shopped Wendy Barnes Design this year with all that we have been dealing with and know that I proudly donate on YOUR behalf. I can stay true to my vision and mission because of you.
Many happy animals, habitats and people who have given their lives to protecting them thank you too!
One of my favorite photos from very early on still rings true:
If you are a business owner and would like to add this extremely fulfilling component to YOUR mission and business model, do not hesitate. Your donations are needed and always appreciated. I am happy to share my experience with you if you would like to hear more- please reach out!
Wendy Barnes Design connects wildlife conservation causes to everyday lifestyle choices through animal prints resulting in awareness and action. Join the newsletter and meet the partners you can support through every purchase and more at
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